Digitaalinen opastaminen
Palvelu helppoon opastamiseen, lisäpalveluiden myyntiin ja asiakastiedon keräämiseen.
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Käyttöasteiden seuranta
Käyttäjämäärien ja kapasiteetin laskenta sekä ulko- että sisätiloihin.
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Seuraa energiatehokkuutta tai viihtyvyyttä mittaamalla lämpötilaa, ilmankosteutta, CO2-arvoa tai ilmanlaatua.
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Huoltokäyntien valvonta
Määräaikaisten huoltokohteiden automaattisen valvonnan ratkaisu tehostaa huoltotöiden seurantaa ja vähentää turhaa manuaalista työtä.
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Järjestelmäintegraatiot, Fidera Flow -palvelun kehitys ja räätälöinti, uusien tietojärjestelmien luominen ja hyödyntäminen.
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Fidera was founded in 2013. Fidera is a Finnish technology company, and we have developed an IoT-analytics service which is used in many different industries.

We make it possible to gather data and analyze it combining various different sensor- and video-analytics tools in an innovative and cost-efficient way. Our service is excellent for anything where there is a need to monitor and track people, cargo, things, animals, services or stages of supply chain in real-time, or to increase performance in production processes or to fulfill a need for information.

Our services are being used in international fast food chains, biggest construction companies in Finland, large stores, national hotel chains and also in small locations where security services are needed.

Our mission is to provide our customers real-money savings and benefits that can be measured.

Our services

The whole solution for your needs easily and cost efficiently from the same place.

Cloud-based user interface
Check reports with any device
Device and sensor installation
Utilize your old devices
Reliable support

Customizable reports

Fidera platform

Cloud-based system

Our whole platform is cloud-based. Both the user interface and the gathered data can be accessed by the customer through any device, computer and mobile. This makes it possible for you to monitor your data no matter where you are.

Easy and fast to use

User interface is very easy and fast to use, and it is easy even for new users to find the information and data they need with a low amount of clicks. The loading speeds are optimized to be fast, so it is effortless for the user to jump from one view to another and change the visible data on the dashboard.


Our partner network and flexible platform makes us able to provide solutions with a very affordable price.

Easy to use

We provide everything you need and help you to get started with the system. The user interface is also very user friendly.

Easy to expand

Our nimble platform enables the development and installation of new features and add-ons at any time, in case new features are needed.

Full support

Our experts are always here for you in case you need any support or help in using our services.

Did something catch your attention?

Did you start to wonder, if Fidera could help your organization? Please don't hesitate to contact us, so we can discuss more about your information needs. Discussions and negotiations are completely cost-free.

Even though you wouldn't find anything close to your needs through our references, it does not mean that we could not provide a solution for you. Actually, one of the main reasons for you to choose Fidera is the flexibility of our platform, which makes us able to provide a tailored and customized solution just for you.

So please do not hesitate to contact us, we are very eager and happy to help you! You can contact us through a contact form, phone or e-mail.

+358 20 7199 580


Contact us!